Traditional Sales vs. Short Sales And Foreclosures in New Jersey

Home sales usually fall into one of three main categories: traditional sales, short sales, and foreclosures. For buyers, each has pros and cons, though generally speaking the cheaper properties are short sales and foreclosures. But if you’re a buyer, you need to keep in mind that these properties are usually cheaper for a good reason. … Continued

How To Price Your Inherited Home In New Jersey For Sale

If you’ve inherited a property and you’re planning to sell it, make sure you read this blog post for 3 tips about how to price your inherited home in New Jersey for sale… Did you inherit a property that you’re now thinking about selling? While an inherited property can be a wonderful gift from a … Continued

5 Tips for Siblings Dealing With Inherited Property in New Jersey

Have you inherited property in New Jersey? Sadly, without proper forethought, you may suddenly face life without your parents, who have left their property to all of their children without a plan in place, which can be quite a chaotic experience. Dealing with a sudden whirlwind of paperwork and details during such an emotionally difficult … Continued

How To Avoid Probate Court In New Jersey

Dealing with probate can be a long and frustrating process. In our latest post, learn how to avoid probate court in New Jersey! Nobody wants to have to go through the probate process, especially if they plan to sell the inherited property once their loved ones have passed. By planning ahead, people are able to … Continued

How to Sell Your House During Bankruptcy in New Jersey

If you own a home when you file for bankruptcy, it becomes part of the bankruptcy estate, the property or assets you own. In October of 2022, there was a twenty-seven percent increase in chapter 13 bankruptcy filings over the previous year. Bankruptcies, including all chapters, total a seven percent increase overall, which correlates strongly … Continued

Pre-Foreclosure vs. Foreclosure for Homeowners in New Jersey

Foreclosure and preforeclosure are two terms that are commonly used in the real estate industry. While these terms may sound similar, they have very different meanings and implications for both homeowners and potential buyers. What is Foreclosure? Foreclosure is a legal process that occurs when a homeowner is unable to make their mortgage payments. When … Continued

What Homeowners in New Jersey Can Expect During Foreclosure

If you’re concerned about your property going into foreclosure due to circumstances beyond your control, the optimum scenario would be to work with your lender for a resolution before things go any further. However, going through the foreclosure process can be made easier when homeowners understand what lies ahead, so read on as we explore … Continued

What Rising Foreclosure Rates Mean for Buyers & Sellers in New Jersey

It’s no secret that foreclosure rates in America are on the rise. This can affect the New Jersey real estate market in all sorts of ways. The housing market has always been a volatile industry. With fluctuating prices, ever-changing regulations, and unforeseeable economic conditions, it can be challenging for homebuyers and home sellers to navigate … Continued

5 Things to do Immediately After Inheriting a House in New Jersey

Dealing with the loss of a beloved family member or very close friend is a stressful time that can become even more complicated by suddenly finding yourself immersed in dealing with an inheritance. It may be challenging to focus, so we have outlined five things to do immediately after inheriting a house in New Jersey … Continued

5 Ways Foreclosure of Your New Jersey House Will Impact Your Future

The wheels that drive foreclosures turn very slowly, and there is ample opportunity to steer the ship in a new direction and salvage your future. Sadly, foreclosure is entirely avoidable, yet lives are often damaged for years because homeowners weren’t fully informed of the consequences and took no action to prevent the process.  Whatever circumstances … Continued

Stopping the Foreclosure Process: A Guide for New Jersey Homeowners

Stopping the foreclosure process of your New Jersey home can be difficult, but not impossible. Dealing with the banks, negotiating terms, and stressing over your mortgage can feel completely unbearable, but luckily you have lots of options available to you. Foreclosure is more common than you might think and can affect millions of Americans every … Continued

Tax consequences when selling a house I inherited in New Jersey

For many, inheriting a home can be a walking paradox to experience: overnight, you are left with property of sizable value you can use to improve your life while still also processing and mourning the loss of a loved one. For those who are pondering the next best move to make in this situation, understanding … Continued